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- Women Resources | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Take a look at our Oaks Women's Resources! We pray these are a blessing to you and the girls. Women Resources IDENTITY AND MENTAL HEALTH RELATIONSHIPS SPIRITUAL GROWTH PODCASTS
- Pastor Kate | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
MEET KATE About Kate Guajardo Kate’s family: In 2009 I married my best friend, Aaron. Since then we’ve added the greatest kids to our family; Penelope, Silas, and our new edition, Eleanora. Ministry Role: I serve as the Kids and Family Director by leading and developing the weekly service and events. Oaks Kids is for kids ages 0 to 5th grade. Regular coffee order: I like to change it up. Pike’s Place, Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato, and Flat Whites are all in my regular rotation. Favorite movies: I really don’t like rewatching movies unless it’s Disney classics or my absolute favorite, You’ve Got Mail. Favorite Sports: College Football. Favorite Band/Music: I have 2 Spotify playlists: Bethel Worship & Disney. Favorite Books: Loving Your Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk & Anonymous by Alicia Chole. Favorite TV Shows: Lost, King of Queens, and This is Us. Favorite scripture: Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” People who inspire me: I am fascinated by people who spend a lifetime devoted to God’s call on their life. I love to hear the stories of a life well lived! Weird quirks: I really love connecting with people. So if I run into someone I haven’t seen in a really long time, I feel the need to approach them and remind them how they know me. I’ve embarrassed myself more times than I’d like to admit when people don’t reciprocate with the same excitement I have to reconnect with them. One thing that most people don’t know about me: Aaron and I were youth pastors for 8 years at a bilingual church in New Mexico. So I like to think I can speak Spanish, pero hablo solomente poquito Español. When and where I got saved: Just about every week in Children’s Church. Least Favorite Thing to Do: I really do not like hanging out at the mall (at least not since 8th grade). Hidden talent: I like to think that I know all the lyrics to songs. If I don’t I just make them up. What makes me laugh: My kids. They say the funniest things and don’t even know it!
- Join me for Oaks Men Night! | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Oaks Church is excited to rally with the men of this community as we grow in our faith and friendships. As Oaks Men, we walk together through every season and equip one another to live a life that brings glory to God. His Word is our starting point, and we make it a priority to serve others. We strive to become all that God has called and created us to be, and there is always a place here for you! SIGN UP NOW As Oaks Men, we're called to be Oaks of Righteousness: a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor. Isaiah 61:3 Learn More Sign up Now I'd like to start a Sports Group Sign-up for a Sports Group Got any questions? If you have any inquiries about Oaks Men, email us at oaksmen@oaks.church or call (214) 376-8208.
- Dream Team | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
We are honored that you would use your gifts to serve here at Oaks Church. We have a special Dream Team Night planned just for you. JOIN THE OAKS CHURCH Are you ready to make an impact and get involved in our Dream Team? Let us help you find your spot! JOIN THE DREAM TEAM HAVE YOU BEEN TO GROWTH TRACK? NO, SAVE ME A SEAT! YES, SIGN ME UP FOR ORIENTATION
- 404 | Oaks Church
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- 404 | Oaks Church
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- | Oaks Church
Group Leader Training We are so glad you're interested in becoming a Group Leader at Oaks Church! This 3-part online course will have one video teaching that explains what being a Group Leader here entails, then we'll have you watch a tutorial on how to use our Groups platform, and then you'll fill out an application and our team will reach out from there. Click the button below to get started! GET STARTED!