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Week 2 - Hear from God | Day 8 - How to Hear God's Voice

Today, our second week of the fast begins. Our first week’s focus was remembering who God is. Our focus this week is to hear from God. There are truths we need to remember, questions we need to ask, and directions we need to receive. So let's ask and hear Him.

SCRIPTURE - 1 Kings 19:11-12

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.


Israel had turned away from God, and its leaders were silencing His prophets - often with violence. Elijah narrowly escapes their grasp and flees to the wilderness, overwhelmed and desperate. There, he cries out to God. In response, God invites Elijah to listen for His voice. Mighty displays of power follow - a roaring wind, a trembling earthquake, and a blazing fire. But God's voice isn’t found in the loud or the dramatic. It comes in a gentle, quiet whisper.


Hearing from God can be challenging. While He has spoken audibly in the past and still can, God often communicates through His Word, by stirring thoughts and feelings in our hearts and minds, and through the wisdom of our faith communities.

We all long to hear God’s voice as clearly as we would notice a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire. But God invites us to pursue an intimacy with Him so deep that we can sense and discern His gentle whisper. This kind of closeness with God should matter to us more than the answers we’re seeking.

The encouraging truth is that, while learning to recognize God’s spoken voice takes time and practice, we have His written Word available to us every day. So how do we hear from God? By turning to His Word and listening for His soft whisper in our hearts.


When was the last time you paused to listen for God’s voice? Take a moment today to slow down, focus on Him, and open your heart and mind to what He might want to say. He could encourage you, challenge you, or provide the insight you’ve been needing. And if you find it difficult to hear Him, remember - God’s Word is always filled with encouragement, challenges, and truths that have the power to transform your life.

"God, help me to be sensitive to your voice. Teach me to hear you clearly and to recognize what you’re saying to me. I want to be close to you and aligned with your heart. Is there anything you want to say to me right now? (Take a moment to pause and listen to His voice.) Help me to receive what you say and let your Word shape how I live and love others. In Jesus’ name, amen."


Jan 12


Help me get out of my own way! Because I know it’s me and my strong thoughts and feelings that guide me instead of you. Help me see things through your gracious eyes so I may be able to perceive things the way you desire me to. So that I may hear and go in the direction you preplanned for me. Help me stop and be comfortable in the waiting. I want to hear you. I want to be close to you, but I need your help! Please help me!



Jan 12

Lord help me to sit still, to take Your presence in so that I may learn Your ways and walk in obedience to You. May I not only come to You with words, but also just to sit and listen to the words You have to say to me this week and this year overall. Continue to remove anything out of my heart that isn’t pleasing to You so that I may replace it with the fruits of the Spirit, Your love and Your truth and share it with the world around me. Let your light shine Jesus! We need You, every second, every hour and every day. I love You Jesus


Angel Moore
Angel Moore
Jan 12

Lord show me your way. Order my steps so I can be closer to you. Order my steps so I can live the life you have designed for me. God, I beg you to open my mind, and heart and silence the sinful thoughts and things around me. Protect me oh God of worldly things. I want to be where you are. GOD SHOW ME HOW GOOD IT CAN GET. Amen


Jan 12

Lord help me to slience the noise so that I can hear your voice . Please remove any distractions so that I can focus on you . Thank you for a new day and thank you for this moment to grow closer to you . Amen 🙏🏽


Jan 12

Good morning Holy Spirt thank you for another day and God I want to hear your quiet, steel voice teach me to listen and to obey your word amen

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