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Week 1 - Focus on God | Day 5 - God is My King

SCRIPTURE - Philippians 2:9-11

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Yesterday, we read about God's perfection and holiness. Paul writes in today's passage about Jesus' kingship and supremacy. When Jesus was on the earth, he forced no one to acknowledge his authority. But one day, whether it's at Jesus' return or after we die, we all will come face to face with the truth that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He's not just perfect, or a good father. He's in charge. He's the King of Kings.


The more comfortable we grow in our relationship with God, the easier it is to forget that God isn't just our loving father, but also a conquering king. But when we choose to follow Jesus, we commit our hearts in service to God. We are calling Jesus "Lord", submitting ourselves to His words and His way.

Whatever God's Word says, we follow. When we don't want to let go of sin, we do as our Lord says (because it's good for us). When we are tempted to hold on to hurt, we do as our Lord says (because it's good for us). When we are afraid to share Jesus with others, we do as our Lord says (because it's good for us AND them).


Are you kneeling before Jesus in your heart? Does your life acknowledge that Jesus is your Lord? You gain everything when "Jesus is Lord" is more than just words, but your whole life. He wants you to grow. To thrive. To experience an abundant life. We get this when we submit ourselves to Him.

"God, help me to recognize you as my king. Help me to see you as my Lord. I will go where you want me to go, say what you want me to say, and do what you want me to do. Give me the trust and boldness to confidently follow what your Word and your Spirit lead me to do. In Jesus' name, amen."


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3 commentaires

09 janv.

May I die to my flesh daily and walk in obedience in Your will over my own. The spirit is willing yet my flesh is weak Lord, but I know You give me Your strength to carry out the purpose You have for me on this earth! To win souls for the kingdom! May You always be my main focus in 2025 ❤️


Cory Anderson
Cory Anderson
09 janv.

Lord Thank You For Your LoVe, Patience & Forgiveness. In acknowledgement of that & Your faithfulness help me to submit to you more & more daily! In Your Precious Name I Pray Amen


Tatiana Gutierrez
Tatiana Gutierrez
09 janv.

🎯Jesus is king! Help us seek you Lord, like never before. 😭🙏🏽

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