SCRIPTURE - Matthew 28:19
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Jesus gives His life on the cross and rises from the dead three days later. In His resurrected form, He appears to His followers for a few weeks, encouraging them. This passage is one of His final instructions before He ascends into heaven.
Jesus tells His followers to teach others about Him, invite them into the community of faith, and witness their lives transformed as a result. But they don’t do this alone - Jesus is with them through the Holy Spirit, guiding and encouraging them in the work.
They listened, and today, what started as a community of 12 followers 2,000 years ago has spread across the world and is still transforming lives.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, He’s calling you to do the same. The Christian life isn’t just about receiving God’s goodness in a single transformative moment and then living out the rest of our days in peace. It’s about deeply desiring and walking with others to experience that same transformation, that same joy, and to be a part of a faith community filled with love and care.
What qualified Jesus’ followers to share His message? That they had been changed by Him. It’s easy to delay sharing Jesus, thinking we need more training, more knowledge, or more time in our faith. But Jesus doesn’t require that - all He asks is that we faithfully invite others into the same experience we’ve had and bring them to the same Jesus who welcomed and changed us.
Who do you know that needs their life transformed? Who needs joy that thrives even in darkness? Who needs to know they are loved and seen by God? Jesus wants you to share Him with that person.
"God, help me to share you and your love with the people around me. Is there anyone you want me to specifically reach out to? (Pause to listen.) Help me to see the need around me and remind me that I’m tasked with spreading your message. In Jesus' name, amen."
Amen 🙏🏽
I’ve never done the Daniel fast, but I also never thought I could do it. But here I am Day 13, all thanks to God.
I really needed a reminder of spreading God’s love. Thank you Oaks Church🙏🏽 & Thank you Jesus for your ultimate sacrifice and giving us authority, to speak on your behalf. 🙏🏽 stay strong brothers and sisters.
Lord I thank You for calling me to be Your hands and feet! For working through me to reach those that are lost, hurting, abused, addicted. In You I am a new creation, the old is gone, behold the new has come! May I continuously share what You have done in my heart and my life with those around me. May my life be a reflection of Your love, grace, forgiveness, goodness and mercy. I pray people wouldn’t just know of Your love, but that they would fully accept it and ask You into their hearts to be their Lord and Savior. Let us make disciples today Lord for Your kingdom! I love You Jesus.