SCRIPTURE - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Paul paints a pretty intense picture of the spiritual reality of our physical world. Though we can't see if with our eyes, there is a very real spiritual war being waged. But not being able to see it doesn't disqualify us from being able to participate in it.
Paul wants us to know that God has given us not just spiritual tools, but spiritual weapons that have immense power to change the landscape of our lives here and now. Through prayer, connection with the Holy Spirit, and fighting for truth, we fight against the powers of evil and darkness.
This passage talks about "taking thoughts captive." For the literal reader, this can raise a lot of questions or doubts about how such a practice even works. "Take a thought captive? What does that even mean?" God wants to speak to you - one of the ways He does is by addressing the lies we allow ourselves to believe.
We’ve all had those rogue thoughts that seem to appear out of nowhere, filling our minds with things we know are wrong, unhelpful, or toxic. The key in those moments is to take those thoughts captive - by actively recalling and replacing them with the truth from God’s Word that counteracts the lie.
Lie: "I’ve sinned again and again. God doesn’t love me."
Truth: "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us." (1 John 1:8-9)
What thoughts have you been entertaining that aren’t from God? When you’re hit with a thought that you know isn’t from Him, take it captive. Remind yourself of what Scripture says about that topic. If you need to, use Google to find verses on it! Don’t lose ground in the spiritual battle by allowing your mind to be taken captive by lies.
"God, protect my mind from thoughts that don’t honor you. When a rogue thought comes to mind, help me remember and find the truth of your Word to counteract the lie and take that thought captive. God, is there any thought that I have been believing that isn't from you? (Pause to listen.) Help me to see the truth in your Word that fights that lie. My mind is yours. In Jesus’ name, amen."
Growing up I was fed so many lies. Your fat, your ugly, not good enough, how could anyone ever love you- your not worthy of it- and I took all of those in where they became my identity. But God. He came in and removed those labels and replaced them with Chosen. Worthy. Fearfully and wonderfully made, I love you daughter. Even now, knowing my identity is in the Lord the enemy will still try to come in and say those lies I held on to for so long but I take them captive and speak life over myself, speak scripture and who God says I am to stand firm against the enemy and his lies. It is so so…