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Week 1 - Focus on God | Day 1 - What is a Fast?

SCRIPTURE - Daniel 10:1-3

In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was called Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it concerned a great war. The understanding of the message came to him in a vision.

At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.


This passage is where the idea of the "Daniel Fast" comes from. While technically, a biblical fast is most literally the abstaining from all food and drink aside from water, here we see Daniel choosing to deny himself desirable foods and comforts for an extended period of time. This self denial helped Daniel to humble himself before God, seek spiritual insight, and receive answers to his prayers.


What you do and don't abstain from isn't the point of any fast. In the Daniel Fast, while the

structures and guidelines help us do this together as a community, the objective of the fast isn't eating vegan for three weeks - that's a diet. During this time, we are denying our bodies

common comforts and go-to fixes so that we can focus on God and prepare our hearts for what He might have to say to us. God may even call you to fast from additional things during this time (if something is coming to mind right now, it might be worth considering fasting that too).

You may be seeking direction or clarity from God, or there may be part of your life you're

wanting to see a breakthrough in. We will bring that to God, but for this first week, our primary objective is to focus on God. T o draw close to Him. Remember that we are denying ourselves so that we can connect better with Him.


Today, ask God to point out to you anything that may be competing for the attention you want to give to God in these next few weeks. Ask God to show you how you can give Him the proper time and space so you can grow close to Him and so He can speak to you.

"God, prepare my heart through this fast. Show me what I can lay down in these weeks to turn my focus on you. Help my heart long for the words you want to speak to me and the time you want to spend with me. I give this fast to you. In Jesus' name, amen."


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19 Σχόλια

Andrea Burkley
Andrea Burkley
06 Ιαν

Lord I thank you for all of the things I have been threw because that is what made me strong 💪🏾 and become the great person I am today. So with all that being said I know that i will make it the whole 21 Days .

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Kelli Dickerson
Kelli Dickerson
06 Ιαν

Thank you Lord for this church who loves others so well like Jesus. I pray this fast brings increased strength in my faith, and more time with Him.

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Nikita Carter
Nikita Carter
06 Ιαν

Lord I pray that I am silent enough to hear you during this fast. I thank you for your mercy, grace, and the abundance of support which you have provided me throughout the years. With love forever yours father God, in Jesus name. Amen.

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Martha Arroyo
Martha Arroyo
06 Ιαν

Thank u FatherGod for our pastor at Oaks church and our OAks church family for unity of love in growth for you.# and have your way Lord.

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Catherine Allen
Catherine Allen
05 Ιαν

Lord, thank you for another day that wasn’t promised. Thank you for my health and strength as I start this fast seeking you, your direction and presence continuously in my like. You know the true desires of my heart and I ask that you strengthen me trout this fast . In all things I thank you love. Amen

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